User Requirement Specification (URS)

Your Contact

Martin Otte

49 (30) 166 397 57
User Requirement Specification (URS)


The implementation and realization often fail or fall short of the original expectations. This is due, among other things, to the solution framework, which has not yet been “finally” clarified and is often even still completely open and highly complex. Typically, the effort for the necessary integration of the often rigid structures within organizations with classic top-down structures is underestimated.

Cost and deadline pressure require new strategies in the development and realization of large-scale industrial plants or special structures for research and development. Increasing complexity, higher quality requirements and short realization times exert enormous pressure on all those involved. They are required to plan and operate a functioning production within the requirements specified by the customer.

Out of fear of overlooking something, new investigations are carried out in a continuous loop to postpone decisions without sufficiently grasping the exact problem and the solution space.

The building department demands a complete description of the requirements from the user or interprets the requirements for the user. It acts over the heads of the users and interferes in their concerns. Changes in the ongoing planning process and thus cost increases are the result. The departments oppose each other and block each other.

Furthermore, the delayed use of modern technologies in planning and construction hinders progress. This results in numerous potentials that need to be taken into account.

We believe in the power of innovative approaches to project management. Our methodology is designed to foster collaboration, increase transparency, and ultimately accelerate project success.


We bring teams together by introducing knowledge in a way that fosters collaboration. Our process focuses on gathering diverse knowledge to foster innovation. We provide needs-based summaries that enable a comprehensive understanding of different perspectives at both the micro and macro levels. This approach ensures that project details, contexts and overall goals are clear to all stakeholders.


To optimize processes and increase transparency, we use cross-departmental, participative teams. By working closely with our clients to define frameworks and goals, we enable teams to make independent decisions within predefined boundaries. This shift of responsibility to the center of the project speeds up processes and promotes transparent communication between team members.


The URS (User Requirement Specification) process is a concrete example of our approach. It brings together the project stakeholders to agree on goals, gather facts, derive essential requirements, and develop, evaluate, and prioritize concepts. The resulting URS document condenses all relevant data and contains tasks for the designers to ensure clarity and efficiency.

Promoting cooperation

The URS process is not just a tool. Rather, it is a set of methods that promotes collaboration in diverse teams regardless of disciplines and hierarchical levels. This approach creates an environment that fosters creativity and collaboration.


Our URS facilitation is the heart of the process. It condenses relevant information, defines the scope of the solution and prepares the ground for interim decisions. By combining interviews and workshops, we lay the foundation for the subsequent design and planning phases. This approach provides the project participants with clear specifications and interfaces that enable precise and coordinated work.

For organizations that want to bring their teams together, improve requirements specification and increase project efficiency, our expert Martin Otte is always available.

Join us in redesigning project management. Let us make success the only option.


Your Contact

Martin Otte

49 (30) 166 397 57